example of google image search amazingness

with the right OS, browser, etc. you can also drag files from your folders onto the search field. i use winXP & firefox
even more amazing

even more amazing

google digested this
and gave me: no other sizes found, "Best guess for this image: van gogh garden," no matching pages found, and 6 visually similar images. all of the visually similar images looked to me like pics of v.g. paintings hanging on walls, just like there is above Irini in my pic.

BUT. as far as i could see, none of the visually similars were of the same painting as Irini's. so that implies google can recognize artistic styles!

I blew up my pic and read the title of the painting. "The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg"
It is in fact a Van Gogh, which is easy enough for a human to assume -- one who has had any exposure to classical paintings, anyway -- but for an algorithm? awesome.

or, maybe it was able to OCR the tiny print next to the title? equally mind-boggling.


this time it even nailed the title (which i got wrong) without actually finding the exact painting. that is totally voodoo.
this a repro i found
what i said before was the title is actually where it is hanging.
for art fans, the correct title according to this site is Memory of the Garden at Etten (Women of Arles). I dont think v.g. would have given his paintings titles in english, so whether it is "Ladies of" per the goog or "Women of" seems irrelevant.

Those femmes or vrouwen arent exactly hot, but one of them does have her ass in the air.
i know, i'm sick:eek: