Been searching for years..


New member
This babe has been haunting me for years. She did some stuff for KarupsPC as "Lena" and a couple of other sets i know about. Any ideas?


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OK - so far she has been listed on multiple sites as
and on the karupspc site as
"Lena" -
( you found that link - I haven't yet) and in a Zipped file from a set of pics originating on planetuniform as
" Elena".
The only SET of pics I have found so far is the "Bride" set from planetuniform.
None of the others seem to be available any where.
Do you have any other pics from these sets ??
From what I can see there is no other stuff to be fond on her -
unless you have a few more pics and they kickstart something on the search sites I use.
Sometimes one picture will do the trick and others you can search every pic in a set of a hundred or more and Nothing else turns up.
She is listed as Jenaveve , Elena and Lena - that is al I can find with what is available to search with at this time.
Yeah I have that full set from somewhere. I'm looking for other stuff. Thanks anyway.

Finding out WHO she really is would help and where the other pics came from that are not from "planetuniform" in locating MORE pics or vids from her.
I am now interested in this model - it's a challenge - and would appreciate ANY other info you have on her, hitchslap .
Thank you in advance .
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These are the only "Elenas" that are models for KPC during 2001 Karupspc models 2-23-01-Elena.jpg
***Correction - this image is labled in its metadata as "Anuta 05"
This is Priscilla AKA: Anuta - when she was very young and probably from one of the first sets she sat for.
Anuta05.jpg 395540-atkarchives.jpg

This the only "Lena" listed as a model for KPC in 2001 Karup_s_Private_Collection_-_2016-06-08_20.23.25.jpg
" Rebecca Dream " from early Karups posting - not in the " Indexxx"
vvvvvvv rebeccadream_f_rebecca.jpg
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I was searching through some files for another model the other day and found this vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Look right in the center at the top Looks to me to be " Jenaveve " -----------------------vvvvvvvv-----------------------------------------
NEW INFO --- The model mentioned in the center is Rebecca aka Rebecca Dream
she can be seen on Her site -
youtube --
she is listed in the IAFD as Rebecca Dream
she can be found on imagefap here ---
I also now believe that Rebecca Dream
the model we've been searching for for years that did sets for karupspc and for planet uniform ---
Elena aka Lena and Jenaveve .
I'm convinced after seeing these new sets that is she .


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Sorry I never came back to this and I appreciate your efforts but the girl in question is not Rebecca Dream. The moles on the abdomen do not match up and there is a glaring age discrepancy. If the bride set was shot in, say, 2000-2001, and going on the visibly apparent age of the model (No more than 25 years old at time of shooting) then that puts her at 44 years of age at this date. In the case of Rebecca Dream she is 50 years of age at this moment (according to Boobpedia). Not to mention that Rebecca is as American as apple pie and yet Lena/Elena/Jenaveve is obviously Eastern European/Russian in appearance.

Oh and legs as naturally slender as that do not thicken the way Rebecca's are.