Model from early 2000, name was something like Anderson or Jensen. Please help!


New member
So I remember a model from around 2004-05, i'm gonna list whatever i can remember:

- She had a scandinavian name like Anderson og Jensen.
- Brown hair, or dark blonde.
- Nice tan.
- In one of her photoshoots she had a t-shirt with a canadian mable leaf, White and red if I remember correctly.
- I think she had a pool photoshoot.
- Softcore.
- Cute.
- Only images I think, might be some short videoclips that was posted.
- I found her after browsing different pornwebsites, and stumbeling ontoo her free galleries.
- around 18, 19, or 20 years old.
You need to post an image or a link or something to assist in finding her.
This one is unidentifiable as it is posted .