Wowgirls sites


New member
Indexxx stopped to list new updates from the Wowgirls sites a long time ago. Today I could not add the site at the websites section of a model who is new at Wowgirls. Instead I was told, that the "website is pending for removal". Now I took a closer look at things and so I realized, that the Wowgirls sites already vanished from many of the models websites lists. Why is this happening?

Indexxx is one of THE sites to present a representative overview of what models do in Erotic Art! When I want to see where I can find a particular model's work, I come to Indexxx. And Wowgirls is a fantastic group of sites who not only worked with most of the important models, they also made the best and most important portfolios of many of them. So without Wowgirls, Indexxx loses an important part of what is going on in Erotic Art. Wowgirls is at least as important as Met-Art is, but Met-Art has the quantity in mainstream while Wowgirls has the quality, the cool, the art and the much bigger diversity!

It's a mistake to ban them from Indexxx. What can be done to readjust this decision?
The website is pending for removal from indexxx! That's a fairly important site to discontinue, I've always wished we could get updates from sensuallove but I guess that's a foregone conclusion now.

I've noticed too btw wowgirls has removed a number of models their videos and sets that were fairly recent, they've always removed content that was old and probably wasn't getting much views but all I can say thank God I downloaded some of this material when I did because it's gone forever.
Can you give me an example for recently removed sets or movies? As far as I know, they removed stuff they licenced from other sites. That was years ago. For example they had licenced a huge number of hardcore movies with Anjelica, which have originally been published at TeenMegaWorld. But then they decided that they only wanted to have their very own productions at their sites and so they removed them all! Also I know that they remove some of the movie teaser sets after a few years. But I don't know any own productions they removed recently.

But I urgently agree with you: it's a very important site and when Indexxx stops showing their content it will not be to the better of Indexxx and I know that the Wowgirls crew also regret the ignorance of their work at Indexxx. For users it's also a bad move, so nobody wins. It's a move to the worse for all parts.
There's a lez scene with Camilla and Maya Morgan I downloaded from wowgirls no later than 2021, not only is this scene gone but so are Maya and Camilla! I discovered this when recently attempted to get the set, I often go for the movies first, then later the sets, but I won't be getting the sets apparently! This is a screen grab btw.
I see. That's a not very pleasant development. Let's see what happens next. For us users things have very unpleasant consequences regarding the information we get at Indexxx. There's no way for me to be satisfied with the current status quo.