I went through the list of videos by naughtyamaerica and only looked for the ones with a Blonde and a Bald White guy .
After looking at every thing from before 2014 , because this ID request was posted in 2014 so the videoo would have to be IN or before 2014.
With only this image and the dead links above - I should say this one is Unidentifiable but I really think that the Blonde Porn Actress is
"Roxanne Hall" .
The hair style, length and color matches her and the profile of her face as well makes me think that she is model being searched for>
If anyone has something different to offer --- PLEASE do so.
The point of this site is to get these models IDed , not to see who can get the most.
So, IF you can help with a positive ID - Please do so.
Till then I am calling this one done ......
" Roxanne Hall"