Blonde Model from Tainster


Well-known member
Can any one name this Model ?
All the info on Tainster I find concerning her is the file name - DD-1587 .
" dd "

" dd "

Whodathunkit !!
Well,.......... thanks, I don't know what else to say. Except that I feel humbled and amazed at the speed with which you found this when I searched for hours before I finally gave up and posted here......... for help . I appreciate it very much.
I have 40+ gb of pics on my machine and have them divided into categories - like , Amateur, Stars, Models, Costumes etc, etc . I noticed some time back that there are an amazing number of pics of the same model that are posted as Stars and Amateurs and Models and on vbarious sites under different names.
So, I found a piece of software that will recognize them and group them together in "Virtual folders" ( Picassa ) and started to try to get them maned.
I have something like 8500 unknowns STILL after abt 2 years working on this in ONLY my Models /galleries/ folder yet to be named and It keeps getting bigger because when I find a single Model picture and get it named, I then find multiple sets of that Model and add them to the "virtual" folder for that model. So to find this one is Really a help and a curse at the same time , Y'Kno ?? Thanks. Reps to you from ME .
