List of models from sites not on website List


Is there a possibility to get a model list for sites that are not listed in the Website list like or
For what purpose?
And what kind of list? A list that maps/links names from those sites to the associated model pages at indexxx?

A problem with those sites is that their content is often not unique: they buy non-exclusive content from content providers. When multiple of such websites are listed at indexxx, then there is a chance of duplicated content. Something that we want to minimize.
Purpose is of course identification of models, same lists as the ones opened from the websitelist should be fine, there are 3 options there

a list of sets from the website, (unusefull with this because no sets are defined)
a list of models with picture
and a list of names only.

I created such a list for myself with the tags option

I understand it's very difficult to check and maintain the websites and names added by users. I asume there's a database behind it all so it should not be difficult to automate such a list, perhaps by an advanced search page.
I agree. We're currently changing the websites list box internals a bit. After that, the search for user added names, will be added. I'll let you know when it is available.