Where is this from?


New member
Here's an image I found somewhere:

I have done a reverse image search, and that returned nothing but a post in ImageFap in 2009.

A post on namethatpornstar from 2014 said it was Nikki Anderson, but I can't find any scenes with her that matches the picture.

I have also considered the following stars:
Sylvie Taylor
Maya Gold
Jane Darling
Mia Melano

It can't be Lili Lamour, since she's from '93, which would make her 16 in '09.

Any ideas?
Thank you in advance!
This is "Nikki Anderson" - find a closeup of her mouth and you can she her front teeth are chipped.
It's her .
No Idea where the screen cap is from though .
I searched every video cover I could find with her in the video and ---- no luck .