Why Indexx.com does not Include JAV model ??


New member
I wonder why Indexxx.com does not include JAV (Japanese/ Asian Audio Visual) Porn actress / model. I understand that Marica Haze is on the list. But she is already old (inactive?) andthere are many emerging stars.

Some of this JAV model especially those with mixed race are really hot, gorgeous and fame.
A few example to name:

- Rola Mizaki (aka Lola, Rola Takizawa) here is the news about her

- Maria Ozawa (Miyabi)
- Tina Yuzuki (Rio)

Please consider to include JAV models on Indexxx so other could contribute to add info about them
I side with you in general. I'm just not sure what jav means. But I just feel there should be more models included from asian and pacific sites, at least those that basically conform to the glam model standards, and yes, there are some. Asian and pacific beauty is very real, not just exotic. Peace and love to the whole world.